The Council of Capital City Lord Mayors (CCCLM) at their meeting in Canberra this week expressed disappointment that Federal Parliament’s debate on the bills (including the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund) addressing housing and homelessness has stalled. Lord Mayors support the need to invest in social and affordable housing, and associated support services.

Given Australia’s population distribution, the greatest number of people at risk of homelessness are living in capital cities, in both central and suburban locations. Capital city governments are increasingly responding and implementing programs to deliver more affordable housing and responding to all forms of homelessness.

In local communities right across Australia people are experiencing acute housing stress, from rough sleeping to severely overcrowded accommodation and rental stress.

“It is vital that Federal government urgently invest in social and affordable housing, which is reflected in the legislation currently being considered. We acknowledge that there will be a need for further funding and support mechanisms to fully address the housing crisis, however action is needed now – delays will only increase the impact of the crisis” said CCCLM Chair, Lord Mayor of Melbourne Sally Capp.